December 8, 2005
Voni's Happy Birthday

The day dawned cold and snowy, barely fit even for a dedicated snow dog.  The temperature was 0 degrees when we got up, but slowly inched toward a balmy 12 degrees by 3:00 p.m.  What wind there was blew in all directions at once, more or less canceling itself in a display of calm rarely found in Kansas.

Warming the Bike
Voni said that all she wanted for her birthday was to go for a ride.  The temperature and snow were of little consequence to her.   So......  Paul hooked the battery charger to her F650 to warm the battery and give it a fighting chance to start.  It didn't.  Not ones to let 37 inch handelbars and a 32 inch door stand in the way of progress, we maneuvered the bike into the dining room to warm up.  A hair dryer blowing on the carburetors and head sped the warming process along.  Once the engine was a bit warmer than a block of ice, the bike started right up!

So ... We went riding in the yard.  Breaking new ground, so to speak - but nothing else.
No broken legs!  No broken bike parts!

Voni Riding

Paul Riding
Voni blazing the trail in the snow!

Paul had to test the traction too!

Back in the garage, the F650 looked a little snowy, but none the worse for wear!
Through it all, Sarge kept a watchful, if somewhat wary eye on the goings on.

He wasn't at all sure that any of this made any sense at all!  Neither are we!